Frequently Asked Questions
What is the admission process?
To admit, please call our office, our team of professionals will address any of your immediate concerns while you are supported through an application process outlining any issues.
How long can I stay at the guesthouse?
Our typical stay is 1-28 days, but we can accommodate longer or shorter stays depending on your needs.
Are there any requirements for staying at the guesthouse?
Yes, all residents must have fully completed a detox and are committed to their recovery.
What is the daily routine like?
We have a semi- structured schedule that includes supportive groups, mealtimes, and recreational activities. Our goal is to provide a sense of community and accountability while also allowing for individual freedom and autonomy.
Can I bring my own food or cook my own meals?
No, we provide all meals and snacks. Our chef prepares healthy and nutritious meals. If you have any dietary requirements this can be looked at to suit your preferences.
Are there any rules or curfews?
Yes, we have a set of house rules and curfews to ensure everyone's safety and well-being. Residents are expected to respect these rules and adhere to them.
What kind of support services do you offer?
We offer individual coaching sessions, group therapy sessions, and 12-step meetings. We also have trained staff members on site 24/7 that are available to provide guidance and support.
Do you have any special programs or focus areas?
Yes, we have evidence-based approaches specifically designed for men, women, and individuals struggling with co-occurring addiction and behavioural issues.
How much does it cost to stay at the guesthouse?
Our rates vary depending on the length of stay and type of accommodations. Please contact our office for more information on pricing.
Do you accept insurance or financing options?
Yes, we accept many insurance providers and offer financing options for those who need it.
Can I bring my pets?
No, we do not allow pets in the guesthouse.
Can I use my phone or computer during my stay?
Yes, but we do have restrictions on internet use during certain hours of the day to promote socialization and community building.
Can I take time off from the guesthouse for appointments or errands?
Yes, with advance notice and permission from our staff.
Can my family/ friends visit?
Yes, there is a clients request form that needs to be agreed and monitored.
Admission and Stays
Daily Life
Support and Services
Other Questions